18: You can be Fathered by God!

14 views Jan 20, 2025 The R3 PodcastToday’s episode is an invitation for healing and life in what might be the most broken area of your heart. Perhaps the most important and formative relationship for every human being who has ever lived is with their father. Science continues to confirm what we have instinctively known, that our fathers have a unique ability to either contribute to our overall well-being, or to deliver lasting wounds. For those who were raised by abusive, unpleasable fathers – or just as bad, absent, passive fathers – those heart wounds can be absolutely crippling.

But here’s the good news… Those wounds can be completely healed! And as if that wasn’t good enough, there is an absolutely perfect Father ready and eager to step in with the nurturing, empowering, and healing love that you have always needed. It’s not too late to be supernaturally fathered in a way that gives life and strength, no matter how old you are! And in today’s episode of The R3 Podcast, we’re going to show you how.

18: Jesus’ Surprising Power to Heal Your Deepest Wounds

Can Jesus give you healing today? We read in the ancient pages of the Bible that Jesus USED TO heal. But does he still heal today? And more importantly, will he heal you?

Today we share ONE TRUE STORY that reveals that the answer is YES – Jesus does heal wounds today! What kind of wounds? Well, we say this all the time here at the R3 Podcast: “You don’t get through this life without taking some hits.” No matter who you are or how hard you try, you can’t avoid being wounded in this life. And as you likely know all too well, the emotional wounds, the HEART wounds, are the most painful. And worse, they don’t heal over time on their own. – more often than not, they actually fester and grow worse.

But today, Marine Sargent Major (ret) Mike Daley tells his TRUE STORY of finding healing from childhood trauma, combat-related PTSD, survivor’s guilt betrayal in marriage, and profound grief. And Jesus didn’t give him coping skills, or medication, or a 12-step group. JESUS COMPLETELY HEALED HIS LIFE’S WOUNDS!

17: Learn to Hear God’s Voice – He IS Speaking!

Is God silent and distant, or is he still actively speaking to you today? Its an important question – and we have an answer! YES, God is actively and supernaturally communicating with you right now, TODAY, in ways that you can learn to hear for yourself. He hasn’t left you alone, but desires to give you intimate guidance, personal insight, and powerful experiences of his presence that confirm just how precious you are to him.

Curious about whether God still speaks and if you can hear Him? In this video, we explore the supernatural experience of hearing from God and the role of the Holy Spirit in communication. Discover how you can tune in to the voice of God and experience His guidance in your life.

In this Episode 17 of the R3 Podcast, we’ll give you scriptural evidence that God still speaks to us individually today, reveal 3 principles that open our ears to hear him, equip you with 4 practices that will open the lines of communication TODAY, and safeguard you with 2 warnings to keep you from confusion and error. Lets get started!