January 8, 2022 marked the historic faith-based heritage event called THE RENEWAL: Restoring America’s Founding Covenant, with leaders gathered from across the country at the Strawberry Festival Amphitheater in Plant City, Florida.  The Renewal is a spiritual solution to the current state of affairs in our land. Recovenanting and reconciliation combine to be the next Biblical step in the five-step renewal process (Repentance, Reconciliation, Restoration, Revival, Reformation) for the faithful remnant to usher in the mercy of our Lord. Healthy – Guides on Fitness Nutrition Wellness and prescription steroids australia ifc – fitness instructors and choreographers – ads catanzaro
Operation Restored Warrior was invited to partner with The Renewal and they were given the opportunity to share with the world how Jesus is healing and restoring the hearts of warriors through their ministry.



ORW Founder & President, Paul Lavelle, received the Leyden Preservation Group’s John Robinson Award for Liberty at The Renewal.  The John Robinson Award for Liberty honors an individual who has stood in the public square fighting for the liberty of the people of this nation, and in so doing has reinforced our covenantal foundations as a country that enjoys the blessing and prosperity of the Lord.

John Robinson is known as the pastor of the pilgrims because he was the pastor of the ‘pilgrim fathers’ before they set out on the Mayflower. He was a significant part of The Scrooby Covenant of 1606 which rejected a worldly and coercive system of social and religious organizations in favor of a covenant between God and man entered by individuals binding themselves together before God through a solemn covenant which they freely acknowledged on behalf of themselves, their families, and their heirs. It was his congregation that joined with others who had traveled to the new world to create America’s first great covenant, The Mayflower Compact. The Robinson/Scrooby Compact of 1606 was the model for The Mayflower compact of 1620, which later was a model for the Declaration of Independence in 1776. Although Robinson died before he made it to the new world, we honor him for his powerful impact over the Spiritual foundations of this great nation.
“The covenantal vision of Pastor John Robinson and our Pilgrim Founders is beautifully communicated through the figures of Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty, found on the National Monument to the Forefathers in America’s hometown of Plymouth, Massachusetts. Now, as America remembers our 400 year legacy of liberty, the Leyden Preservation Group is pleased to present the John Robinson Awards to individuals in recognition of their lives dedicated to preserving a legacy of biblical liberty in the areas of Faith, Morality, Law, Education, and Liberty.”
Liberty, the foundation for prosperity. The scriptures declare that ‘where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.’ (2 Cor 3:17)…