One Partner at a Time

Each ORW partner has a personal and powerful story to tell for why they have chosen to support veterans. Many participate in activities with our warriors, sponsor fundraisers, and attend events celebrating with us the work accomplished in the previous years.

What is your story? Have you experienced the negative effects of combat in your life, and are seeking an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of veteran warriors? Or, perhaps you have suffered with a family member or close friend who has struggled with the effects of combat — PTSD, addiction, anger, depression and thoughts of suicide?

We invite you to join our team of partner allies who are working together to impact the lives of veteran warriors. For more information, please click the button below.


  • Partner Events in Inspiring Settings

    Partner events around the country provide inspiring settings for reports on Drop Zones, upcoming events, and partner activities in support of ORW’s work.

  • With Men Who've Walked The Warriors' Path,

    Veteran warriors depend on the resources, influence, and wisdom of our partners.

  • Leading to a Personally Life-Changing Encounter.

    Ally partners often experience growth and life transformation through their involvement in ORW.

A TEAM EFFORT: Our Partner Allies find creative ways to raise the finances needed for individual warriors to be able to attend an ORW Drop Zone. Here are some of the groups you’ll see in the pictures that follow:

  • Many businesses of which you’ve not yet heard…to internationally-known brands
  • Average men and women like you and me…to personalities like Mike Lindell, Sean Hannity, Stephen Baldwin, Chase Rice, NFL athletes and many others
  • Veterans whose names you wouldn’t recognize…to famous military leaders, politicians, and government leaders.
  • …And even a former United States President and a former Ethiopian Prime Minister.

Operation Restored Warrior is able to accomplish so much good because of the determination and commitment of our partner allies. Listen to this partner’s invitation for you to be a part of the mission.

Partner Allies, see the difference your partnership of resources and influence is making in the lives of veteran warriors.

Partner Allies answer the call to provide healing and restoration to warriors who are in desperate need.

Partner Allies commit resources, time, influence, and their creativity and work. This incredible sculpture was handcrafted by a committed ally of ORW, Mark Patrick.